OLYMPUS YIELD -Adding Value Through Partnerships-

Olympus Yield
2 min readMar 14, 2021

Olympus Yield has been making waves in the industry. Part of our aggressive model to grow $DUSA is to create an ecosystem that expands outside of Olympus Yield. We have already partnered up with two promising and up and coming projects in the past week. Lets have a look at them now.



Kindcow is a yield farm platform where you can farm and stake various tokens and earn $KIND Tokens. Most farms in KindCow require LP Tokens which you would acquire via PancakeSwap.

At this moment there are two Farm Pools in KindCow for $DUSA holders. There is a $DUSA-BNB LP Farm and a $DUSA-KIND LP farm. With this mechanism $DUSA holders have the ability to create a passive income on KindCow without having to let go of your $DUSA Tokens.

Visit them here : https://kindcow.finance/

Get $DUSA-$KIND LP Tokens here : http://shorturl.at/lsLS8


Degenerate.money NFT Platform

Degenerate.money is a totally different approach to adding value to $DUSA. $DEGENR is a deflationary token built on Binance Smart Chain that rewards holders and punishes sellers. For each transaction done with $DEGENR, there’s a 7% tax, 4% is distributed back to holders while the other 3% is burned. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Well not really.

Degenerate.money is an NFT minting platform at its core. Various artists have already participated and more partnerships are on the way. And what makes them unique is that to be able to mint there NFTs, you will need Specific LP Tokens.

With $DUSA-DEGENR LP Tokens you could stake and earn exclusive points from that LP Pair. With those specific LP Token Points you can purchase limited NFTs created exclusively for $DUSA-$DEGENR LP Providers.

SPACE DEGEN-Limited NFT exclusive to $DUSA LP Providers

Check them out here: https://degenerate.money/

Get $DUSA-$DEGENR LP here: http://shorturl.at/xzDLQ

More Partnerships are coming

Olympus Yield is committed to bring more value to $DUSA. But we also want to make sure there is something different for everyone. Team is working hard and are ready to bring the Olympus family new ideas and opportunity's in the coming weeks.

Join our Telegram group to stay in contact with Devs, Creative Team, and our STRONG HANDED Community: https://t.me/olympusyieldbsc

Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on latest news: https://twitter.com/OlympusYieldBSC

